What’s Happening This Month – March, 2016

What We're Learning


What Your Child Is Learning

2s – Pre-K

  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
  • Key Question: Who can you follow?
  • Bottom Line: I can follow Jesus.
  • Memory Verse: “‘Come, and follow me,’ Jesus said.” Matthew 4:19
  • Theme: Follow Me

Kindergarten & K2

  • Curriculum overview: God’s plan for redemption is fulfilled through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Memory Verse: “And the crowds that went before Him and that followed Him were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!’” Matthew 21:9

1st-5th Grade

  • In March, our elementary kids will be focusing on the launch of individuals who encountered Christ. Lazarus, the Samaritan Woman, the disciples and the rest of the world were forever changed by the Son of God.

6th Grade

  • Students will learn how to connect with God and others as well as explore what Christ went through on the cross and leading up to His death and resurrection.


Volunteers of the Month
Saturday Volunteers of the Month


The Wallace family have been helping with Fellowship Kids for the past three years and are always joyful and eager to serve! They are well-prepared to teach the children about God’s Word with love and enthusiasm. Way to go Wallace family! We’re so thankful that you are part of the Fellowship Kids team

Sunday Volunteers of the Month


Lindsey Leslie has only been in the Nashville for a little over three years, but she’s a huge blessing to our Buddy Ministry. Each week, she volunteers in the Buddy Room during the 2nd and 3rd services! She serves where needed and assists on a variety of projects! She does an amazing job at connecting with our Buddies and the kids of the Buddy Ministry. Our Buddy Ministry would not be the same without Lindsey’s service each week!