Fellowship Kids and Global Christmas

This month we are focusing on Global Christmas in the Learning Center. Global Christmas is a time that we as a church come together to learn about our global partnerships and how we can support them.

For Fellowship Kids, we’ll focus on the region of South Sudan and our partner Peter Garang Deng. Peter was born in Sudan, in the mid 1970’s. He did not grow up in a Christian home. His parents worshiped a traditional god call “deng-yath,” the god of the rain. This god had to be given sacrifices each year, costing Peter’s family many cows. On November 11, 1987, at age 11, Peter was forced to leave his family in Sudan due to a very deadly war. He and many other “Lost Boys” fled to Ethiopia, which is 250 miles away! It took Peter two months to get there on foot. Many of the children Peter travelled with lost their lives to disease, starvation and wild animals. In Ethiopia Peter’s life was changed forever when, at age 12, a pastor told him about God’s great love for him. He immediately surrendered his life to Jesus and began following Him.

Peter is the South Sudan director for one of Fellowship’s strategic ministry partners – African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM). He provides encouragement and biblical training to pastors, women leaders, and community leaders so that they are better equipped to help bring about spiritual transformation and reconciliation of the Sudanese people. Unfortunately, Peter works in Juba, South Sudan, while his family lives 750 miles away in Nairobi, Kenya. That’s the same distance between Nashville and Tampa, Florida! Peter would love to relocate his family to Juba but does not have the financial means to make this happen.

As a children’s ministry we would like to raise the necessary funds for Peter to be able to build a home in Juba and relocate his family. On December 19th and 20th we will take an offering in the Learning Center. You will be able to place your money in the gift box near the fireplace or bring it with you to class any weekend leading up to the final offering. The question we are asking the children and families of Fellowship Kids is: Will you help bring Peter’s family from Kenya to South Sudan?

To find out more information about Global Christmas, visit our homepage.