Meet Larry Kayser, Pastor of Marriage Ministries

Kayser family

Name and Title: Larry Kayser, Pastor of Marriage Ministries

How do you describe your ministry at Fellowship? To go on the offense. To create a ministry to help marriage move from existing to thriving. To help people understand God’s purpose, plan and design for marriage so that marriage becomes a tool that God uses to change our lives and shape our hearts.  It’s a ministry designed around the development of trained, committed and mature mentors so that we can engage marriage and lives one life at a time.

Start date on staff at Fellowship: March 1, 2006

Where you were and what you were doing previous to your time at Fellowship? Planted a church that I helped lead for 12 years in Holland, Michigan. I was the Lead pastor for the last 5 years.

Family members:

Wife:  Anne – We have been married for 35 Years.
Daughter:  Jennifer Rozman, married to Dave and they have three children, Abbi, Emily, Max
Daughter:  Melissa Hoffman, married to Eric, and they too have three children Luke, Weston, and Miles
Daughter:  Katie Walsh, married to Tim, and they have one little boy named Grant, and one on the way.
Daughter:  Joy Claybrook, married to Scott…no buns in the oven yet.

Education: BA in Photojournalism from Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green Ohio, go Falcons!
Master of Divinity, Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana

Any hobbies? Dating my bride, photography, camping, hiking, fishing, outdoor anything, College Football

What about favorite books?

Pain the Gift Nobody Wants,  Paul Brand
Anything by Dallas Willard
Not the way it is Supposed to Be,  Cornelius Plantinga
Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand
The Meaning of Marriage,  Tim Keller

Favorite movies?

The Help
Band of Brothers
It’s a Wonderful Life
The Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Young Frankenstein

Favorite sports teams:

The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame
The Green Bay Packers
The Detroit Tigers
The Detroit Red Wings

Favorite childhood memory:

My first Notre Dame football game in a blizzard.

My parents put in a built in swimming pool in our backyard and the first time they filled it, they used a fire hydrant. It was so full of rust that it looked like a vat of root beer, and every kid in the neighborhood swam in it all afternoon.  Everything we had on turned permanently orange!

Interesting piece of trivia: I was once on a plane that was hijacked by armed guerrillas and spent 4 hours over the Carribean in a hijacked airplane.

What’s the most meaningful ministry you’ve experienced? Seeing people I have helped train and develop set free to do what God has called them to do.  

What do you like most about Nashville? I like the cultural opportunities, I like the climate when it is not too hot, and I love that I am always close to being out in nature and a half days drive from the mountains.

If you had 2 weeks to get away and money wasn’t an option, where would you want to be?I would spend a week in Alaska in late July starting in Denali National Park. Then I would transport my wife and I to Paris for the second week.


Larry can be reached at