He Leads Me Beside Still Waters

He leads me beside still waters

Psalm 23:2b (ESV)
Here’s what you’ll need for today’s lesson:
  1. A Bible; turn to Psalm 23
  2. A bowl
  3. Some pieces of paper
  4. A pen

1) DO

Give everyone in the family a piece of paper and have them write the name of a sea creature on it. (If the kids are young, simply act out animals of the sea without writing them down). One by one, have family members pull out a sea creature and act it out (charades). The person who gets the most correct wins!

Sit everyone down and read Psalm 23:1-2.

2) SAY

When we thought of green pastures, we thought of rest. What do you think of when you hear “still waters?” (allow answers). Maybe it would help if we looked at Mark 4:35-39. Who would like to look that up? (allow time to read) In Mark, we saw that God has control over the storm, and made the waters be…? That’s right! Still! Just like in Psalm 23.

3) SAY

When we read about still waters, I think about the word peace. Do you remember where we heard that word today? (allow answers) That’ right! “Peace” was the first word that Jesus told the storm! Still waters represent peace. When is it that you feel most at peace? (allow answers). When we feel the storms in our heart, or when are facing a tough situation and don’t know what to do, we can pray and ask God to send us His perfect peace. I’m so thankful for that!

End in a prayer. Example:

Lord, today we take time to thank you for your blessing of peace. Sometimes life can feel hard, we can feel upset inside. But you showed us in Your Word that YOU are in control and can bring peace in hard times! Thank you so much for that. We desire your peace over our family today. We love you so much! Amen.

Fellowship Kids Family Challenge

Take a video of your family making A LOT OF NOISE, then being totally still and quiet! Be sure to post and use the hashtag #FellowshipFamilyChallenge for a chance to win the grand prize!