Even Though I Walk Through the Valley…

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,[a]
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;

Psalm 23:4a (ESV)
Here’s what you’ll need for today’s lesson:
  1. A Bible; turn to Psalm 23
  2. A blindfold
  3. Paper towels

1) DO

Scatter a path of a few paper towels roughly 12-15 inches apart. This will be called “The Valley.” Blindfold one person and have them try to walk through the valley stepping only on the paper towels. Now, give that person a helper who is NOT blindfolded. Let the helper guide the blindfolded participant. See how much easier it is when we have someone helping us!

Sit everyone down and read Psalm 23:1-4a.

2) SAY

Have you ever been afraid? Let’s talk about that! What were you thinking? What were you feeling? What did you most want when you were afraid? (Allow plenty of time for discussion.) In today’s verse, we read about the valley of the shadow of death. That sounds kind of scary, huh? But the author says that even when he’s walking through something SUPER scary, he doesn’t have to be afraid. Why? That’s right! Because God is with Him!

3) SAY

What happened when we tried to walk through the valley ourselves? (allow answers) What happened when we had someone helping us? God offers to be our helper to walk with us through the scary and hard times. So, no matter what we are scared of, we will never face it alone. We always have a helper. I’m so thankful for that!

End in a prayer. Example:

Lord, you are a God of both the good and the bad, the hard and the easy. You are with us when things are easy, and you are with us when things are hard. Thank you for being our constant companion, and for never leaving our sides. Help those who are feeling scared today to be comforted by your Holy Spirit. Help us to trust you when we are afraid. We love you! Amen.

Fellowship Kids Family Challenge

Dress your pet or sibling up like a not-so-scary-monster! Feel free to get creative! Post it and tag #FellowshipFamilyChallenge