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Local Outreach


Serve in Our Community

There are many needs within our community. Thus, we’ve chosen to come alongside several local ministry partners, all of whom are gospel-centered, discipleship-oriented, and near our church campuses. These partnerships allow us to invest in those areas of our community that have the greatest needs. We also recognize that many within our body are impoverished relationally, with little diversity across ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. These diverse relationships allow us to see and more fully experience the beauty and goodness of God and his creation.

Local Partners

Over time, we have developed relationships with local Gospel-centered organizations we trust, and with whose vision we find alignment. With some of these organizations, we help financially to assist them in accomplishing their mission. With others, we encourage our people to serve and give their lives away in the name of Christ, providing each of us with opportunities to live “on mission” in our community.


All Nations Soccer Club

On Thursday evenings, people from different backgrounds gather to play pick-up soccer, bringing immigrants and others in different parts of the community together. While playing soccer, this space allows participants to be intentional in building relationships and ideally create opportunity to share the gospel and make disciples, leading others to find wholehearted life in Jesus. There are multiple ways you can participate in this weekly ministry: play soccer with us, watch and cheer us on, bring water and fruit for the players or take pictures that we can share on the Facebook group page. All are equally important and needed! To learn more about this ministry, check out our recent blog post: Fellowship’s Thursday Soccer Outreach.


El Shaddai Christian Church

A missional, Spanish-speaking church located in the Brentwood area, El Shaddai Christian Church consists of over 300 members from 16 different nationalities, primarily from Latin American countries. Fellowship is partnering with El Shaddai and their vision to reach the growing Spanish-speaking community and equip leaders to make disciples for the Kingdom both here and abroad.

Margaret Castro
(615) 668-1430
(615) 573-5508

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Barefoot Republic

Barefoot Republic is a Christ-centered camp that focuses on building relationships between individuals from diverse racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. By helping at local Barefoot day camps and their camp in KY, Fellowship members will not only serve in a much-needed way but also grow in relationship with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


New Hope Academy

New Hope Academy is a Christ-centered community school with an economically, racially and culturally diverse student body. It exists to serve low-income families by establishing a solid biblical worldview, instilling vision, confirming hope and preparing each young person for a life of service.

Fellowship has the opportunity to partner with their mission to empower the poor while growing in relationship with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Local Missionaries

Over time, we have developed relationships with local Gospel-centered organizations we trust, and with whose vision we find alignment. With some of these organizations, we help financially to assist them in accomplishing their mission. With others, we encourage our people to serve and give their lives away in the name of Christ, providing each of us with opportunities to live “on mission” in our community.


Fletcher and Mary Elizabeth Maynard (Bridges UNC)

For 10 years Fletcher and Mary Elizabeth Maynard have served with Bridges International, the ministry of Cru to international students. Leading a team based at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, they are committed to making every effort—physically and digitally—to reach some of the best and brightest, spiritually open future world leaders there and around the world. They talk with students about Christ through natural friendships, language partners, and cultural experiences that broaden their understanding of Christianity. They help students grow in Christ by helping them apply the Bible to their everyday lives and teaching them how to talk with others about Christ. They send them back to their homelands equipped to be ambassadors for Christ.

They have two daughters, Bliss and Mims, who bring a lot of happiness into their lives and the lives of international students as well. Their personal ministry page can be found here.


Jonathan and Michelle Peer (I-FAM)

Jonathan and Michelle Peer serve with The Navigators ministering to international college students in Nashville. We desire to advance the Gospel into the nations by developing a welcoming international community on-campus through I-Fam (International Family) where students and volunteers can connect, explore, lead and grow. We help international students to adjust to campus and life in the U.S. by practicing hospitality, serving practical needs and hosting social, spiritual and cultural events to create a safe environment to explore questions about life, faith, Jesus and his message in the Bible. Jonathan and Michelle have a son and daughter and attend the Brentwood campus.


Robby Painter (Young Life)

Robby Painter, Director of Young Life in Williamson Country, has called Fellowship home since 2000. Young Life’s mission to introduce high school kids to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith is achieved by caring adults taking the time to enter the world of high school kids, building relationships, earning trust, and sharing the great news about a God who loves them. They particularly have a heart for kids who are disinterested in God or disconnected from him which fuels their deep conviction that every kid has a right to hear the good news of Jesus from someone they trust. Robby and his wife, Katie, have three little girls and attend the Brentwood campus.

Serving Opportunities

God has orchestrated his people to be in specific places to address the brokenness in our world and bring the hope and good news of Jesus to others. You can join God on mission by engaging with your neighbors, local schools, churches and Christian organizations in your area. If you are looking to serve and respond to the needs of our community, here are some great organizations in our area.

Give to Local

Your giving makes a difference! Because of the generosity of Fellowship givers, we have contributed over 15 million dollars to our partners, supporting the training of leaders, the education and feeding of children, the planting of churches, and the broad reach of the gospel message here and around the globe!

Jeff Gipe

Leader of Local and Global Outreach