Gratitude and the Goodness of God

Our daughter, Kelsey, was 10 the day we first walked into a room to talk about an idea called Fellowship Bible Church. Our son John Austin, seven.

As the idea eventually turned into an actual church, even at that age, our kids were under the influence of what God was doing through Fellowship’s mission to proclaim Christ, mature us in our faith and to help us learn to give our lives away. Then, just as now, the Spirit used the expository teaching of the Word, as well as the beautiful and broken people at Fellowship to edify, challenge, convict and encourage.

Mays baby

Four Generations…
A few weeks ago, we celebrated as Kelsey (now 27) and Jordan brought their own daughter into the world. Little Avery Jennifer Cocklin represents so many things to our family – Kelsey and Jordan’s first child, our first grandchild, John Austin’s first niece, but incredibly, our family’s fourth generation at Fellowship. (If you include my Mom who was a greeter in our early days.)

In that moment, I was a little shocked to consider Fellowship being old enough for four generations of a family to have been a part of it, but also encouraged by the flesh-and-bone reminder that indeed, one generation will praise God’s work to another and declare His mighty acts (Psalm 145:4). The Fellowship community of faith has played such a huge role in that for us. I’m grateful.

Holding Avery’s precious little head in my hands brought a flood of emotions, not the least of which was the joy of knowing she will be so well loved, of course by her family and her heavenly Father, but by so many of you as well – together, walking out this messy adventure.

John Mays