Embodying the Mission

We exist to glorify God by proclaiming Christ, maturing in the faith and giving our lives away.

Fellowship Mission

I saw our mission lived out in a special way this past Sunday afternoon at our core group gathering in Hillsboro Village (for those of you who don’t know, we are launching a third congregation of Fellowship in the Green Hills/Hillsboro Village area). Since early January, we have been discussing what it means to embody the mission wherever we are and with whomever the Lord brings our way. This Sunday night we shared stories about opportunities that God had given each of us to live out the mission that He has called us to:

…a story about a relationship that began on a bus route that led to an opportunity to share something more about God over lunch,

…a story about a short, social conversation that turned into a two-hour conversation about church,

…a story about an act of generosity toward an acquaintance,

…a story about a family helping to meet the needs of the poor,

…a story about a person in crisis who is beginning to turn her eyes toward God for the very first time,

…and a story about a couple who bought flowers for a woman who had lost her long-time boyfriend and gave them to her on Valentine’s Day.

I witnessed a group of people willing to share the kind of love and grace that Jesus has shown them, desiring to be a faithful presence where God has placed them—a group of imperfect, broken people who are aware of their deep need for Jesus and aware of how much living out the mission of Jesus is actually changing them.

I saw a group of people who would not be launching a congregation in Green Hills were it not for each of you believing in the mission of Fellowship, living it out yourselves and supporting opportunities like this to reach other parts of our community with the gospel.

At the end of the evening, we shared in the Lord’s Supper and signed this covenant together as an act of faith, prayerfully committing ourselves to proclaim Christ, mature in the faith and give our lives away. May God use His good work in all of us to bring glory to Himself.

Bill Wellons
Teaching Pastor, Organizational Leader, Elder