Global Christmas: Exponential

Less under our tree means more for the world… Exponentially.

Global Christmas

When we consider the incredible impact Fellowship is able to have around the world, Global Christmas is truly the time when our mission goes exponential. You’ve heard often that we exist to “proclaim Christ, mature in the faith and give our lives away.” And as we come alongside our global partners both in relationship and through our generosity, we are helping them lead their people – in their own unique ministry context – to proclaim Christ, mature in the faith and give THEIR lives away as well! So, in very real and tangible ways, every dollar invested in our partnerships through Global Christmas helps our mission go exponential.

In Jordan, over 150 students are receiving theological education through JETS to lead the church throughout the Arab world. Did you know that in this mostly Muslim country, 60% of evangelical churches in Jordan are pastored by JETS graduates?

In Peru – two more churches have been planted (now a total of 10!) and gospel-centered savings and credit associations are equipping many to learn how to become good stewards of their own resources in the name of Christ.

In South Sudan, we just saw over 70 pastors and leaders graduate from training programs in the last month – and we’re helping rebuild two schools in Lietnhom to bring quality education back to a place that has been deeply impacted by civil war.

The list goes on… In Germany, Russia, Uganda, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece…

Let me encourage you to go to our website and look around at all the specific ways our resources are being invested for incredible Kingdom purposes around the world. Last year you gave over $600,000 to our Global Christmas offering – so this year, our website reflects over $800,000 in specific partner-directed projects, initiatives and trainings that we can resource through our generosity.

Our mission. Exponential impact. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in considering how you might put less under your own tree this Christmas – to bring more hope to the world.

For His Renown,

Brian Petak


P.S. You can give to Global Christmas online anytime…