Day 11

Heavenly Father, awaken within me a sense of the magnitude of my sin. Teach me not to justify it; not to excuse it because of circumstances; not to treat it lightly nor underestimate its impact. Awaken with me a trust in the magnitude of your power. Your ability to change me; to transform me; to make me a new creature…

T.W. Glaspey

If you missed the short explanation of confession and 1 John 1:8-10 from Day 8 please start by reading that short devotion.

Begin with Adoration

Read each attribute and definition and praise God for what that attribute means and tells about God. You may want to choose one of the associated passages to read.

  • God is immutable. All that God is, He has always been. All that He has been and is, He will ever be. He is ever perfect and unchanging. (Psalm 102:25-28)
  • God is transcendent. God is not merely eminent, the highest being. He is transcendent—existing beyond and above the created universe. (Psalm 113:4, 5)
  • God is just. God is righteous and holy, fair and equitable in all things. We can trust Him to always do what is right. (Psalm 75:1-7)
  • God is holy. God’s holiness is not simply our best image of perfection. God is utterly and supremely untainted. His holiness stands apart—unique and incomprehensible. (Revelation 4:8-11)

Continue with Confession

Invite the Holy Spirit to make you aware of any sin that is hindering your fellowship with God. Consider if there are ways you are failing to trust God by leaning on your own wisdom, depending on your own strength. Confess those things as sin…

Take a moment as well and consider if there seems to be a pattern to your sin. Is there a theme for you around a particular sin or struggle at this time in your life? If so, can I encourage you to go one step further?

Plan a time to sit with a trusted, mature friend to share your struggle. God has not designed us to carry our sin alone, nor carry a burden or struggle alone! You will experience the freedom of forgiveness, and you will encourage your friend to not walk alone by confessing your sin to a friend and enlisting their prayers.


In confession we repent, turn from our sin, and turn toward God in faith. Our repentance is not just a change of mind, but a change of affections and will, such that our repentance shows up in how we live.

Conclude your time of confession by acknowledging and accepting that God—through faith in Christ—indeed forgives and cleanses you from all sin and unrighteousness. Thank Him for fellowship restored and deepened.