21 Day Devotional: Day Three

September 13th


Acts 20:35 (NLT)  

35And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”  

It seems that either Paul was told this by others, or Jesus said this to him privately. What we know without a doubt is that Jesus lived these words. Just reflect on our study so far through the gospel of John… 

He provided the best wine, and more than was needed at the wedding Cana – to no applause or gain. (John 2) 

Consider perhaps the best-known verse in the Bible… 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) 

God so loved – He gave. 

He gave “living water” to the Samaritan women (John 4). (ever notice that we get no indication that the women ever gave Jesus that drink he asked for when the conversation began?) 

 Upon the disciples return with food, Jesus was not hungry.  

“My food is to do the will of him who send me and to accomplish his works.” (v.34) 

Jesus was “filled” by giving of himself to the woman at the well. 

One more note on that scene – her call to her neighbors sounds a familiar ring “come, see a man who told me all I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” 

He healed the official’s son (4:46ff), and lame man at the pool of Bethesda (5:1ff), fed the five thousand (6:1ff), he saved the life of the woman caught in adultery (8:1ff), gave sight to the blind man (9:1ff). We could go on, but need not question the veracity of Jesus’ words – it is better to give

The Greek word “better” here is “makarios,” often translated “blessed.” The idea being happiness, fortunate, well off. Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase in the message gets it right… 

You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, ‘You’re far happier giving than getting.’ ”  

Today – give something, anything to someone else. A word of encouragement. Your time. Something you have that someone needs. See what your “happy meter” does.