21 Day Devotional: Day One

September 11th


We are so glad you are embarking upon this 21-day Journey of Generosity. A few things to remember…

  1. This is a journey, and it is about the journey. What I’m saying is, pay attention to what God is saying to you, showing you, how he is shaping your heart each day, over these 21 days.
  2. You are not alone. Each day you are joining 3,000+ people who are invested in the mission and vision of Fellowship. Pray for others and share with others what you are learning.
  3. CSGL – that’s “Come,” “See,” “Give,” “Live.” These are the four invitations on the Journey of Generosity. We use the word “invitations” because each step in the journey is a response to God’s activity, to what he has done and is doing. And like any invitation – it must be accepted to be experienced.
  4. Each invitation is unique and distinct – AND they are inseparable and cumulative, each dependent upon the other, each serving and expanding the next.
  5. This journey has no end. It is a way of life. It is the way Jesus lived his life. And it is his life we follow…every moment of every day in every place and in every way.

Each day you will receive a link that will take you to that day’s devotion. In this way, we can incorporate more than just 75 words in a text as we have done in our previous All Church Devotions. It adds one small step to engaging the devotion, but we trust it will be more than worth it. Expect some surprises along the way – all journeys have them!

Let’s get started…


John 1:39

He said to them, “Come and you will see.”

When Jesus walked by John the Baptist and two of his disciples, John made a simple statement as he watched Jesus pass by, “behold the Lamb of God!” It was enough to compel those two disciples to start following Jesus…literally walking behind him. But even more, they were choosing to learn from him and live like him. That is, to be his disciples.

Jesus sees them walking behind him and asks, “what are you seeking?” to which they respond with a question of their own, “where are you staying?”

Gerald Borchert writes, “The subsequent request of the disciples concerning where Jesus was remaining is not untypical of humans who want some indication of place or status because place provides humans with a sense of stability or security.[1]

It’s sort of like the Airbnb you are researching – you want some evidence that the deposit you are making, and the money you are going to spend on this place is worth it. Is it safe and secure?

These first two disciples ask a reasonable question – “Jesus, if we follow you, is there a place and is there provision?”

Jesus’ reply – “Come and you will see.” In other words, you will ONLY SEE if you come. It is as true for you and me today as it was for them over 2,000 years ago.

And should we come to Him, it is not where He is staying that is a security and provision. Luke tells us Jesus answered a similar question like this, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

The protection and provision our hearts are always searching for are not found in a place, but in a person – in Jesus and Jesus alone.

Have you come to him today? If not, come to him now…in prayer. Start with this phrase:

“Jesus I’m coming to you because ___________________________.” Remember, you are coming not for a place to stay, but to a person who is all that your heart will ever long for.