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Global Outreach

Group 1507

Support Our Global Partners and Missionaries

At Fellowship Bible Church, we believe strategic partnerships are the life-blood of an effective and sustainable global ministry. Our primary aim is to lock arms with like-minded individuals that are indigenous to their own cultures. Through these types of relationships we lessen the time-consuming learning curve associated with language acquisition and more quickly bridge cultural and ethnic gaps.

Under the sovereign hand of God, what Fellowship has in abundance is exactly what our partners lack—financial and equipping resources, and exposure to different kinds of strategies that can make a big difference in moving Kingdom initiatives forward.

Global Missionaries

While we believe that every follower of Jesus is called to glorify God and make disciples and has a role to play in reaching the nations with the good news of Jesus, some members will respond to God’s call to go and serve globally.

We commission, send, and support Fellowship members who are working alongside one of our Global partners or working with an unreached people group mid to long-term. If you would like more information, please contact Rachel Box.

We are the Moore Family and we have been serving in Athens, Greece since 2013. We have the privilege of working with the organization, Hellenic Ministries. Our focus is passionately serving and loving the Greeks and the countless refugees that migrate through Greece. Though a piece of our heart is in Nashville, we are so thankful to partner with Fellowship Bible Church in this corner of the world.

Contact Information
Chris's email:
Amy's email:

Amanda Snyder lives in Celje (pronounced sell-yay) Slovenia and works with a rock music ministry called Fusion. Fusion is a relational ministry that uses music as a tool to share the gospel. There are currently two Fusions in Slovenia, Celje and Ljubljana. Each week they have band practices, choir practice, and time together where they share the love of Christ with others. Amanda serves as the Fusion Slovenia director and helps train and equip local fusion leaders as they reach the youth of their cities through Fusion. The team is praying with a bold faith to have five more Fusions to start across the country in the next four years.

Contact Information
Amanda's email:

Serving in Central Asia. Due to security concerns this is the limit to the information we can share.

Serving in Southeast Asia. Due to security concerns this is the limit to the information we can share.

Suzanne began her work as the Student Life Coordinator (SLC) alongside a Christian ministry called “Students International” (SI) in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic, in 2024. She plays a significant role in engaging, leading, and discipling many people, including 700-900 students, leaders, groups, interns, and study-abroad students on a 4–8-month internship. She is also responsible for regular communications with SI’s 13 ministry sites in the surrounding communities. The Lord has given Suzanne a deep love and a heart to serve the Dominicans and Haitians living there.

Contact Information:

We have additional Fellowship Missionaries serving in areas that are not secure, and listing their names and locations here would hinder the work they are doing for the Kingdom. If you would like to pray for them specifically, please contact Rachel Box for more information.


Global Trips

Because Fellowship seeks to provide support to our global partners through ongoing prayer, meaningful relationships and financial resources, we center our global trips around their specific needs. Most years, we take trips to Peru, Greece, Slovenia and Croatia to work alongside these global partners.

Give to Global

Your giving makes a difference! Because of the generosity of Fellowship givers, we have contributed over 15 million dollars to our partners, supporting the training of leaders, the education and feeding of children, the planting of churches, and the broad reach of the gospel message here and around the globe!

Jeff Gipe

Leader of Local and Global Outreach