Using Advent as a Verb

We are firmly in the sprint of the holiday season.  Amy and I looked at our calendar last week and were shocked at the busyness of this month.  Preschool Christmas Plays, Spider Man Live, and other events long ago known for their originally- white elephant christmas and tacky sweater gatherings-littered our calendar.   There’s typically little to no white space for us in December.   This season instead of running to our default which mainly consists of caffeine and white knuckled survival, we are attempting to “Advent.”

Wait, how can you use Advent as a verb and what does this have to do with Fellowship South Nashville? 

A lot actually.  Advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming”  It’s the season when we look back to Christ’s first coming and look forward to his second coming when he will return to renew and redeem every part of fallen creation.  We are “Adventing” this season-through prayer and using other great resources to pause, mediate on the promises of God, and to anticipate the fulfillment of the second coming

This month marks the very first steps for Fellowship South Nashville as we build a community that will embody these ancient promises.  I’m honored to hear your stories and longings about our new work. Stirrings from God about doing “something new”, excitement about Fellowship being in “our” city, desires about being part of community that cares for one another and the problems in our community. And there are some of you that I have yet to meet with! 

It’s true! We are starting a new expression of Fellowship to reach our city.  We have big dreams. Dreams beyond us.   We believe that God has uniquely positioned our church to create a thick community and redemptive voice in a fast growing city.  Yet, before we act – we Advent.  We pray and ask God to be at work in our midst.

Our hope in Advent is also the central hope in our new campus: For God to be faithful as He builds a community of people whose life and action together show the goodness of God to Nashville.

As we Advent during this season: Pray For Fellowship South Nashville

God is the one who builds and sends His church.  Be in prayer that God will gather the right people in our church and city.  Pray that we can continue to build inroads  with Vanderbilt and Belmont.   Pray that our presence at the Entrepreneur Center will build bridges with the larger business community.  Pray that God will open doors in our church and in our city. 

Brandon Addison


Brandon Addison, Pastor of Inversion and Fellowship South Nashville, can be reached at