21 Day Devotional: Day Five

September 15th


Matthew 11:28-29 

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 

You’ve probably heard this one, but bear with me… 

“Four frogs are sitting on and log and 3 decide to jump in. How many frogs are left on the log?” 

Yes…all four. It is the difference between deciding and acting. Choosing and doing. Intending to and having done

We all have things in life that remain on the perpetual “to do” or “to be done” list. Perhaps the landscaping crosses your mind right now. Maybe it’s the photographs to be organized, or the….garage ☹. I’ll stop there. 

What is at stake spiritually when our intention to “come to Jesus” remains just that, is rest for our souls. Jesus is not speaking about what a nap will give you, or a good night’s sleep. This is “soul rest.” 

In its context, this is rest from religion – from any and all self-efforts at making oneself acceptable to God. Doing right. Avoiding wrong. Keeping the rules. 

The gospel means coming to THE ONE who did that for us. Really coming to him, relying upon him, trusting him. Yes, resting in him. Only from the rest that this brings, are we capable of seeing that all that we need for salvation is found in Jesus. 

All that we need for life is found in him. All that our hearts long for is found in Jesus. In him is LIFE. 

Think about your “spiritual pulse rate” right now. Is it a resting rate? Or is it an active rate? It does not change when we “decide” to come to Jesus. It changes when we actually do.  

Perhaps, now is the time get in the pond. What is the Spirit bringing to your mind right now? What step of faith have you “decided” upon, but not yet acted upon? Perhaps today you “jump?”