Wednesday: Your Smiling Face


We are so glad you are joining us for these daily prayer posts. Over the next four weeks we are going to listen to the prayers of the Bible, and the saints of God. Their prayers are going to teach us how to pray.

Each devotion will take five to seven minutes of your time.

  1. We will look at an insight from those who know something important about prayer.
  2. We will listen to the prayers of people in the Bible—people just like us. And to people who gained a deep measure of spiritual intimacy with God because they prayed.
  3. We will reflect, asking the same four questions each day that invites us to look and listen with intent.
  4. And we will pray, for it is in praying that we learn to pray. And it is in praying that the Spirit changes our hearts.

May we encourage you to grab a notebook, a journal, something to write on as you do each prayer guide. Yes, it will add a few minutes to the time it takes to do the devotion, and it will also deepen your experience and shape your walk with God for years to come.


Blessing is bowing down to receive the expressions of divine favor that in the inner recesses of the human heart and mind make life worth the bother.

Beth Moore


God’s desire is to bless His people. That desire in God is immutable—it cannot change. Though far from perfect, and not even close to worthy, in Numbers 6:24-26 God instructs Moses to teach Aaron the blessing He wants spoken over His people. It is a prayer that includes you and me. As we will discover again and again, a prayer need not be long to be transforming.

Numbers 6:24–26

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


  1. Having read the Word, sit silently for a minute and give God’s Word a moment to settle within you.
  2. Re-read the verses slowly and write down some thoughts that resonate with you.
  3. Ask the Spirit to help you see the deeper longings, desires or motives in your heart that those thoughts are pointing to. (For example: you may write down, “God’s face is what matters.” The Spirit may bring to your mind the face of someone you respect, and it is that person looking at you that touches something deep within. Bottom line, we want to be seen by the God who made us.)
  4. What are some elements in this Aaronic Blessing prayer that help you to know what to pray when you need God’s blessing?


Using this prayer of blessing as a template and a guide, make it your own today.